
Screenshot of the SolasAlive website.
ONLINE – Lutheran Hour Ministries – Canada has released “SolasAlive,” a series of three short videos you can use to on social media to share your faith with friends and family online.
These short, engaging, videos and companion webpages have been created for you to use on social media, to invite outside the Christian church to find out more about God and His plan of salvation for all.
Each of the three videos provides an unexpected take on traditional slogans of the Reformation: Grace Alone, Faith Alone, and Scripture Alone. Watch all the videos below:
Here are some ways you can participate in this outreach:
- Like and Share the videos on Facebook
- Use email, twitter, and other social media as well as word of mouth to promote the SolasAlive videos
- Try sharing them on different days so you don’t overload your friends’ social media feeds
- Put a link to on your personal or congregational web-site
When you like and share the videos on Facebook, you increase the chances others will find them. For more information go to and click on “Resources.”
Find out more about Solas Alive at Follow LLL-Canada online at the Facebook pages for Lutheran Hour Ministries – Canada and Lutheran Laymen’s League of Canada. And subscribe to LLL-Canada’s YouTube page here.
Help others learn of God’s message of Grace Alone, by Faith Alone, as revealed to us in Scripture Alone.