500 Years Since the Beginning of the Reformation - 500 Years Proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ

500 Years of Reformation: Robert Kolb keynote speaker for 2017 conference

ccscf-2017-posterEDMONTON – The Canadian Centre for Scholarship and the Christian Faith (CCSCF) is preparing for its 2017 conference, focusing on the theme “500 Years of Reformation.” The event will take place March 24-25 at Concordia University of Edmonton.

The convention will feature Rev. Dr. Robert Kolb as keynote speaker, addressing the question of “How Luther’s Reformation Literally Changed the World.” He will also present a plenary lecture on “Luther’s Impact on University Education and Christian Liberal Arts.” Dr. Kolb is one of the world’s foremost Luther scholars. He is professor emeritus of Systematic Theology at Concordia Seminary (St. Louis, Missouri). His major contributions include an edition of the Book of Concord as well as The Christian Faith: A Lutheran Exposition.

The conference invites papers and presentations on the theme “500 Years of Reformation.” While not an exhaustive or restrictive list, possible topics could include: Reformation and Biblical Studies, Reformation and Theology, Reformation and Education, Reformation Economics, Reformation and Politics, Reformation and Ethics, Reformation and the Arts, Reformation and Law, Reformation and Literature, Reformation and the Sciences, Reformation and Modernism, Reformation and Authority, and Reformation and Philosophy.

Further details on possible grants, registration information, and how to submit a paper proposal are available from the CCSCF’s website at www.ccscf.org.
